Flat Classroom 10-3
September - December 2010
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Second Place
Student and multimedia information: Wiki A: 6.A.1 by Nina T., AAHS, USA Title of video: Globalization and Outsourcing
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Third Place
Student and multimedia information: Wiki B: 1.D.1 by Erin B, WHS, USA
Title of Video: Around the World in 8 Days
Honorable Mentions (in order from the list)
Title of video: Wiki A: 2.C.2 How the WWW affects educationBy Connor M. (ISA), USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 7.E.2 Google Takes Over The World! by, Rita H, AAHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 8.F.2 The Health Effects of Social Networking, Rachel G, RLHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 9.D.1 A Day in the Life with Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology Sandra P, AAHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 10.A.2 Virtual Communication Overview Richard T. AAHS USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 11.C.2 Wireless Connectivity and Bedouin Life AhmedM. OBZ, Oman
Title of video: Wiki B: 3.F.1 Workflow Software in Our LIves : Seung Ryul L., KIS, ROK
Title of video: Wiki A: 8.B.2 Social Networking Innovation by Monica S., KIS, ROK
Title of video: Wiki A: 9.D.3 "December 1" by Eungi C., KIS, ROK
Title of video: Wiki A: 7.E.2 Google Takes Over The World! by, Rita H, AAHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 8.F.2 The Health Effects of Social Networking, Rachel G, RLHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 9.D.1 A Day in the Life with Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology Sandra P, AAHS, USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 10.A.2 Virtual Communication Overview Richard T. AAHS USA
Title of video: Wiki A: 11.C.2 Wireless Connectivity and Bedouin Life AhmedM. OBZ, Oman
Title of video: Wiki B: 3.F.1 Workflow Software in Our LIves : Seung Ryul L., KIS, ROK
Title of video: Wiki A: 8.B.2 Social Networking Innovation by Monica S., KIS, ROK
Title of video: Wiki A: 9.D.3 "December 1" by Eungi C., KIS, ROK
Multimedia Awards
These awards go to the best multimedia works. Student work will be assessed against two criteria related to the objectives of the Flat Classroom Project. A winner, runner up, third place and honorable mention (if appropriate) has been awarded in each of the 13 major topics.
See Rubrics for details about Criterion A: Design and Technical Quality and Criterion B: Synthesis and Construction of Ideas
These awards were given by our **expert panel of judges**
WIKI Ahttp://flatclassroom10-3a.flatclassroomproject.org/
#1 Connecting the World Online (CWO)First: 1.A.4 Connecting the World Online, Malcolm S.WSS, Canada
Second: 1.D.2 Connecting the World Online Sun Wong Biss, China
Third: 1.B.1 How Facebook Can Be Improved Evelyn B., RLHS, USA
HM: 1.D.1 How The Internet Changed Getting a Job by Andrew B, AAHS,USA
#2 World Wide Web (WWW)First: 2.C.2 How the WWW affects educationBy Connor M. (ISA), USA
Second: 2.D.1 How the World Wide Web affects Government, Politics, and Employment by Tommy K, CVHS, USA
#3 Workflow Software (WFS)First: 3.F.4 Workflow Software by Maxine G, WSS, Canada
Second: 3.A.2 Workflow Software by Risa G., AAHS, USA
Third: 3.D.3 Workflow Software By Andrew G., AAHS, USA
HM: 3.F.3 Workflow Software By Kelsey H, AAHS, USA
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI)First: 4.A.3 Information Technology Zula G. RLHS, USA
Second: 4.E.5 Uploading Na Young, BISS China
Third: 4.C.3 iPODs in Life. MahmoodM. OBZ, Oman
HM: 4.A.4 Title: Changing shape of Information Author: Christopher G, ISA, USA
#5 Web 2.0 (W20)First: 5.E.1 Web 2.0 and Education by Andy P, BISS, China
Second: 5.D.3 Web 2.0 and Business by Keely W., ISA, USA
Third: 5.D.1 Web 2.0? Part 1; Web 2.0? Part 2 , by Emily S., AAHS, USA
HM: 5.F.1- Title- How Web 2.0 Effects Science, Author- Nikhil S. (AAHS) USA
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O)First: 6.A.1 Globalization and Outsourcing by Nina T., AAHS, USA
Second: 6.C.2 Globalization and Outsourcing by AndrewW CVHS, USA
Third: 6.D.2 Globalization and Outsourcing Bethany B AAHS, USA
HM: 6.E.1 Outsourcing by Chris P, ISA, USA
#7 Google (GGL)First: 7.E.2 Google Takes Over The World! by, Rita H, AAHS, USA
Second: 7.C.2 Google Take's Over the World: Social Entrepreneurship, Stephanie G, AAHS USA
Third: 7.B.2 The Invention and Innovations of Google. Meghana G. AAHS USA
HM: 7.F.2 Google Takes Over the World by: Helena K, AAHS, USA
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN)First: 8.F.2 The Health Effects of Social Networking, Rachel G, RLHS, USA
Second: 8.D.1 Facebook: Social Networking Julie B RLHS, USA
Third: 8.B.2 Global ID: What's Your Login?, Cassandra N, MCAHS USA
HM: 8.A.2 PLE's and Social Networking, Mikael K AAHS, USA
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U)First: 9.D.1 A Day in the Life with Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology Sandra P, AAHS, USA
Second: 9.C.1 Mobile and Ubiquitous-Social Entrepreneurship Rohit P, AAHS, USA
Third: 9.F.2 How Webcams Have Added To The World Becoming Flat Mike S, AAHS, USA
HM: 9.B.3 Mobile and Ubiquitous Eun Jeong BISS, China
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom)First: 10.A.2 Virtual Communication Overview Richard T. AAHS USA
Second: 10.E.3 Virtual Communication Cody G, WSS, Canada
Third: 10.D.2 Tai Chi's Video Tai Chi BISS, China
HM: 10.B.3 Virtual Communication by David X. AAHS USA
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon)First: 11.C.2 Wireless Connectivity and Bedouin Life AhmedM. OBZ, Oman
Second: 11.B.2 Wireless Connectivity Final Video Vivesh V WSS Canada
Third: 11.F.1 Wireless Connectivity by Liz A ISA, USA
HM: 11.A.3 Wireless Connectivity Katie Y, AAHS, USA
WIKI B:http://flatclassroom10-3b.flatclassroomproject.org/
#1 Connecting the World Online (CWO)First: 1.D.1 Around the World in 8 Days by Erin B, WHS, USA
Second: 1. D.3 Connecting the World Online. by Brie H, GHS, USA
Third: 1.F.1 Brooke WHS, USA Social Networking
#2 World Wide Web (WWW)First: 2.F.2 How we live and play by Zebulun P ISA, USA
Second: 2.A.4 How The World Wide Web Has Changed The Worldby Braden P REC
Third: 2.A.1 Do you remember life before the Internet? by Hannah H. : WHS, USA
#3 Workflow Software (WFS)First: 3.F.1 Workflow Software in Our LIves : Seung Ryul L., KIS, ROK
Second: 3.D.3 Work Flow Software, AntonS, REC, Canada
Third: 3.F.2 How Workflow software can be used -Kaitlin M
HM: 3.B.1Mariah G.
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI)First: 4.A.3 Uploading Beatrice P KIS, ROK
Second: 4.F.3 Uploading: How We Live and Play Jessica C. KIS, ROK
Third: 4.A.2 Matt B.
HM: 4.F.2 Heather Bartholow GHS - Final Video
#5 Web 2.0 (W20)First: 5.F.1 "Using Web 2.0 to have FUN!" Savannah J. WHS, USA
Second: 5.E.1 Web 2.0 Symphony by Talia H. at ISA, USA
Third: 5.D.1 Web 2.0 by Brennen M. GHS, USA
HM: 5.D.1 Web 2.0 " In the Life of Mariah Gissel" by Carlee C. GHS, USA
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O)First: 6.D.1 "Globalizing and Outsourcing" - Kathy L., KIS, ROK
Second: 6.C.2 - Globalizing Diversity - Jessica D.\
Third: 6.A.2 Josh M. (GHS)
HM: 6.A.1 Ryan G. (GHS)
#7 Google (GGL)First: 7.C.2 Nathan M.
Second: 7.A.1 Google Takes Over The World- Jocelyn MacNeil-GHS, USA
HM: 7.B.1 Kennedy Mayfield (:
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN)First: 8.B.2 Social Networking Innovation by Monica S., KIS, ROK
Second: 8.F.1 Twofacedbook Part 1. Brody C. WHS, USA
Third: 8.F.2 Social Networking and PLEs, HaileyN, REC, Canada
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U)First: 9.D.3 "December 1" by Eungi C., KIS, ROK
Second: 9.C.4 Mobile and Ubiquitous, Hannah T, MSHS, USA
Third: 9.F.1 "The Change" By: Ashley M., WHS, USA
HM: 9.C.3 "Mobile & Ubiquitous: Social Entrepreneurship" by Yu Sun C., KIS, ROK
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom)First: 10.C.1 Virtual Communication by Emily J.
Second: 10.B.3 "Back to the Future" by: Toni H., WHS, USA
Third: 10.B.1 Chad P. Video
HM: 10.F.1 Jennifer M. Vcom Video
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon)First: 11.D.3 wireless connectivity video, Mikaela, MSHS, USA
Second: 11.F.3 Wireless Connectivity: How We Play by Lisa K., KIS, ROK
Third: 11.F.2 Wireless Connectivity by Mike L., HHS, USA
See Rubrics for details about Criterion A: Design and Technical Quality and Criterion B: Synthesis and Construction of Ideas
These awards were given by our **expert panel of judges**
WIKI Ahttp://flatclassroom10-3a.flatclassroomproject.org/
#1 Connecting the World Online (CWO)First: 1.A.4 Connecting the World Online, Malcolm S.WSS, Canada
Second: 1.D.2 Connecting the World Online Sun Wong Biss, China
Third: 1.B.1 How Facebook Can Be Improved Evelyn B., RLHS, USA
HM: 1.D.1 How The Internet Changed Getting a Job by Andrew B, AAHS,USA
#2 World Wide Web (WWW)First: 2.C.2 How the WWW affects educationBy Connor M. (ISA), USA
Second: 2.D.1 How the World Wide Web affects Government, Politics, and Employment by Tommy K, CVHS, USA
#3 Workflow Software (WFS)First: 3.F.4 Workflow Software by Maxine G, WSS, Canada
Second: 3.A.2 Workflow Software by Risa G., AAHS, USA
Third: 3.D.3 Workflow Software By Andrew G., AAHS, USA
HM: 3.F.3 Workflow Software By Kelsey H, AAHS, USA
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI)First: 4.A.3 Information Technology Zula G. RLHS, USA
Second: 4.E.5 Uploading Na Young, BISS China
Third: 4.C.3 iPODs in Life. MahmoodM. OBZ, Oman
HM: 4.A.4 Title: Changing shape of Information Author: Christopher G, ISA, USA
#5 Web 2.0 (W20)First: 5.E.1 Web 2.0 and Education by Andy P, BISS, China
Second: 5.D.3 Web 2.0 and Business by Keely W., ISA, USA
Third: 5.D.1 Web 2.0? Part 1; Web 2.0? Part 2 , by Emily S., AAHS, USA
HM: 5.F.1- Title- How Web 2.0 Effects Science, Author- Nikhil S. (AAHS) USA
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O)First: 6.A.1 Globalization and Outsourcing by Nina T., AAHS, USA
Second: 6.C.2 Globalization and Outsourcing by AndrewW CVHS, USA
Third: 6.D.2 Globalization and Outsourcing Bethany B AAHS, USA
HM: 6.E.1 Outsourcing by Chris P, ISA, USA
#7 Google (GGL)First: 7.E.2 Google Takes Over The World! by, Rita H, AAHS, USA
Second: 7.C.2 Google Take's Over the World: Social Entrepreneurship, Stephanie G, AAHS USA
Third: 7.B.2 The Invention and Innovations of Google. Meghana G. AAHS USA
HM: 7.F.2 Google Takes Over the World by: Helena K, AAHS, USA
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN)First: 8.F.2 The Health Effects of Social Networking, Rachel G, RLHS, USA
Second: 8.D.1 Facebook: Social Networking Julie B RLHS, USA
Third: 8.B.2 Global ID: What's Your Login?, Cassandra N, MCAHS USA
HM: 8.A.2 PLE's and Social Networking, Mikael K AAHS, USA
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U)First: 9.D.1 A Day in the Life with Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology Sandra P, AAHS, USA
Second: 9.C.1 Mobile and Ubiquitous-Social Entrepreneurship Rohit P, AAHS, USA
Third: 9.F.2 How Webcams Have Added To The World Becoming Flat Mike S, AAHS, USA
HM: 9.B.3 Mobile and Ubiquitous Eun Jeong BISS, China
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom)First: 10.A.2 Virtual Communication Overview Richard T. AAHS USA
Second: 10.E.3 Virtual Communication Cody G, WSS, Canada
Third: 10.D.2 Tai Chi's Video Tai Chi BISS, China
HM: 10.B.3 Virtual Communication by David X. AAHS USA
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon)First: 11.C.2 Wireless Connectivity and Bedouin Life AhmedM. OBZ, Oman
Second: 11.B.2 Wireless Connectivity Final Video Vivesh V WSS Canada
Third: 11.F.1 Wireless Connectivity by Liz A ISA, USA
HM: 11.A.3 Wireless Connectivity Katie Y, AAHS, USA
WIKI B:http://flatclassroom10-3b.flatclassroomproject.org/
#1 Connecting the World Online (CWO)First: 1.D.1 Around the World in 8 Days by Erin B, WHS, USA
Second: 1. D.3 Connecting the World Online. by Brie H, GHS, USA
Third: 1.F.1 Brooke WHS, USA Social Networking
#2 World Wide Web (WWW)First: 2.F.2 How we live and play by Zebulun P ISA, USA
Second: 2.A.4 How The World Wide Web Has Changed The Worldby Braden P REC
Third: 2.A.1 Do you remember life before the Internet? by Hannah H. : WHS, USA
#3 Workflow Software (WFS)First: 3.F.1 Workflow Software in Our LIves : Seung Ryul L., KIS, ROK
Second: 3.D.3 Work Flow Software, AntonS, REC, Canada
Third: 3.F.2 How Workflow software can be used -Kaitlin M
HM: 3.B.1Mariah G.
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI)First: 4.A.3 Uploading Beatrice P KIS, ROK
Second: 4.F.3 Uploading: How We Live and Play Jessica C. KIS, ROK
Third: 4.A.2 Matt B.
HM: 4.F.2 Heather Bartholow GHS - Final Video
#5 Web 2.0 (W20)First: 5.F.1 "Using Web 2.0 to have FUN!" Savannah J. WHS, USA
Second: 5.E.1 Web 2.0 Symphony by Talia H. at ISA, USA
Third: 5.D.1 Web 2.0 by Brennen M. GHS, USA
HM: 5.D.1 Web 2.0 " In the Life of Mariah Gissel" by Carlee C. GHS, USA
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O)First: 6.D.1 "Globalizing and Outsourcing" - Kathy L., KIS, ROK
Second: 6.C.2 - Globalizing Diversity - Jessica D.\
Third: 6.A.2 Josh M. (GHS)
HM: 6.A.1 Ryan G. (GHS)
#7 Google (GGL)First: 7.C.2 Nathan M.
Second: 7.A.1 Google Takes Over The World- Jocelyn MacNeil-GHS, USA
HM: 7.B.1 Kennedy Mayfield (:
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN)First: 8.B.2 Social Networking Innovation by Monica S., KIS, ROK
Second: 8.F.1 Twofacedbook Part 1. Brody C. WHS, USA
Third: 8.F.2 Social Networking and PLEs, HaileyN, REC, Canada
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U)First: 9.D.3 "December 1" by Eungi C., KIS, ROK
Second: 9.C.4 Mobile and Ubiquitous, Hannah T, MSHS, USA
Third: 9.F.1 "The Change" By: Ashley M., WHS, USA
HM: 9.C.3 "Mobile & Ubiquitous: Social Entrepreneurship" by Yu Sun C., KIS, ROK
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom)First: 10.C.1 Virtual Communication by Emily J.
Second: 10.B.3 "Back to the Future" by: Toni H., WHS, USA
Third: 10.B.1 Chad P. Video
HM: 10.F.1 Jennifer M. Vcom Video
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon)First: 11.D.3 wireless connectivity video, Mikaela, MSHS, USA
Second: 11.F.3 Wireless Connectivity: How We Play by Lisa K., KIS, ROK
Third: 11.F.2 Wireless Connectivity by Mike L., HHS, USA