Flat Classroom Project 09-1
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First Place
Title: Use of VCom in Palestine
10.C.1 Simon R (WS)
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Second Place
Title: Mobiles in Our Life
9.B.3 Ahmed S (Oman)
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Third Place
Title: Connecting the World Online News Report
1.A.2 Tammam Qatar Academy
Honourable Mentions
2.B.2 Max (WS) The Semantic Web
Engaging use of humour and linking between technology and personal implications
11.A.1 Hannes (WS) Wireless Connectivity story on Native Americans
Creative idea and original animation. Story was too short (appeared not finished) but student should be encouraged to go further with his approach.
8.A.1 Megan R., MCAHS MySpace: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Good coverage of focus areas. Good timing and shifts between areas. Impressive use of actual news report
Engaging use of humour and linking between technology and personal implications
11.A.1 Hannes (WS) Wireless Connectivity story on Native Americans
Creative idea and original animation. Story was too short (appeared not finished) but student should be encouraged to go further with his approach.
8.A.1 Megan R., MCAHS MySpace: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Good coverage of focus areas. Good timing and shifts between areas. Impressive use of actual news report
Multimedia Awards
#1 Connecting the World Online (CWO) First: 1.A.2 Tammam QA Connecting the world online news report
Second: 1.B.1 MazinM (Oman) CWO and Education in Oman
Third: 1.C.1 Tjerk-Ove Wienkoop (WS) Connecting the World Online: Social Entrepreneurship
#2 World Wide Web (WWW) First: (a tie for first) 2.B.2 Max (WS) The Semantic Web (C)MP and 2.C.1 Mariam (QA) Social Entrpreneurship: WWW
Second: 2.B.1 Feisal Al Thani (QA) The History and Future of the WWW
#3 Workflow Software (WFS) First: 3.C.1 Rory Barnes, QA Workflow Software: Social Entrepreneurship
Second: 3.B.1 Mohammad QAWorkflow Software: Hair Growth Crisis
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI) First: (a tie for first) 4.A.1 Zach L. (MCAHS) Uploading and 4.B.1 Erin Gunn, QA Uploading: CSI Group B
Second: 4.C.1 Frank B. (MCAHS) Uploading Fights Crime
#5 Web 2.0 (W20) First: 5.A.1 Yaqoob, Oman Web 2.0 and No for Plastic Campaign
HMs: 5.A.2 Chelsea N. (MCAHS) Web 2.0 and 5.C.1 Vishnu R, QA Health 2.0 and Saving the World
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O) First: 6.C.2 Melissa D, MCAHS Where will Outsourcing and Globalisation Take us Next
Second: (a tie) 6.C.1 Josia Schloegl, Qatar Academy Unemployment and Outsourcing and 6.B.1 Nastassja, QA Outsourcing and Globalisation
#7 Google (GGL) First: 7.B.1 JonasT (WS) Google Takes Over the World
Second: 7.C.1 Kyle Higgins (MCAHS) Google
Third: 7.C.2 Ahmad QA Google Social Entrepreneurship
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN) First: 8.A.1 Megan R., MCAHS My Space: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Second: 8.C.2 Yonis (Oman) Social Networks and Employment
HM: 8.C.1 TobiasC (WS) Social Entrepreneurial Social Networks
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U) First: 9.B.3 Ahmed S (Oman) Mobiles in Our Life
Second: 9.B.2 Chris K. (MCAHS) Mobile Communications
Third: 9.B.1 Birthe H., Wichern-Schule HamburgM&U
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom) First: 10.C.1 Simon R (WS)Use of VCom in Palestine
Second: 10.A.1 Moritz Klann (WS) VCom
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon) First: 11.A.1 Hannes (WS) Wireless Connectivity (story)
Second: 11.C.1 Niels von Stein (WS) Wireless Connectivity
Second: 1.B.1 MazinM (Oman) CWO and Education in Oman
Third: 1.C.1 Tjerk-Ove Wienkoop (WS) Connecting the World Online: Social Entrepreneurship
#2 World Wide Web (WWW) First: (a tie for first) 2.B.2 Max (WS) The Semantic Web (C)MP and 2.C.1 Mariam (QA) Social Entrpreneurship: WWW
Second: 2.B.1 Feisal Al Thani (QA) The History and Future of the WWW
#3 Workflow Software (WFS) First: 3.C.1 Rory Barnes, QA Workflow Software: Social Entrepreneurship
Second: 3.B.1 Mohammad QAWorkflow Software: Hair Growth Crisis
#4 Uploading: The Changing Shape of Information (CSI) First: (a tie for first) 4.A.1 Zach L. (MCAHS) Uploading and 4.B.1 Erin Gunn, QA Uploading: CSI Group B
Second: 4.C.1 Frank B. (MCAHS) Uploading Fights Crime
#5 Web 2.0 (W20) First: 5.A.1 Yaqoob, Oman Web 2.0 and No for Plastic Campaign
HMs: 5.A.2 Chelsea N. (MCAHS) Web 2.0 and 5.C.1 Vishnu R, QA Health 2.0 and Saving the World
#6 Globalisation and Outsourcing (G&O) First: 6.C.2 Melissa D, MCAHS Where will Outsourcing and Globalisation Take us Next
Second: (a tie) 6.C.1 Josia Schloegl, Qatar Academy Unemployment and Outsourcing and 6.B.1 Nastassja, QA Outsourcing and Globalisation
#7 Google (GGL) First: 7.B.1 JonasT (WS) Google Takes Over the World
Second: 7.C.1 Kyle Higgins (MCAHS) Google
Third: 7.C.2 Ahmad QA Google Social Entrepreneurship
#8 PLEs and Social Networking (PLE&SN) First: 8.A.1 Megan R., MCAHS My Space: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Second: 8.C.2 Yonis (Oman) Social Networks and Employment
HM: 8.C.1 TobiasC (WS) Social Entrepreneurial Social Networks
#9 Mobile and Ubiquitous (M&U) First: 9.B.3 Ahmed S (Oman) Mobiles in Our Life
Second: 9.B.2 Chris K. (MCAHS) Mobile Communications
Third: 9.B.1 Birthe H., Wichern-Schule HamburgM&U
#10 Virtual Communication (VCom) First: 10.C.1 Simon R (WS)Use of VCom in Palestine
Second: 10.A.1 Moritz Klann (WS) VCom
#11 Wireless Connectivity (WCon) First: 11.A.1 Hannes (WS) Wireless Connectivity (story)
Second: 11.C.1 Niels von Stein (WS) Wireless Connectivity