Awards and Recognition
The many projects have received multiple awards for online learning and global collaborative educational excellence.
World Innovation Summit for Education
SHORT-LISTED (September 2009) for a World Innovation Summit for Education award in the pluralism section.
Edublog Awards for Best Wiki
FIRST PLACE in the Best Wiki 2008 category of the 2008 Edublog Awards
FIRST PLACE in the Best Wiki 2006 category of the 2006 Edublog Awards.
FIRST PLACE in the Best Wiki 2006 category of the 2006 Edublog Awards.
Online Learning Award from International Society of Technology Educators
FIRST PLACE in the SIGTel Online Learning Awards for 2007. Special Interest Group Telelearning is part of ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education). The SIGTel Online Learning Awards recognize international innovation.
Best Collaborative Learning Project - Taking IT Global
FIRST PLACE in the Taking IT Global collaborative project contest 2007
Other Recognition of Note
Selected Awards and Featured Events:
- Guests on the ISTE Eduverse Talks show, April 2009. Filmed and broadcast from Second Life, the series highlights innovations in educational technology, in both real life and Second Life.
- Keynote presenters for K12 Online Conference 2008 in the 'Kicking it up a notch' section.
- Included in Thomas Friedman's 3rd edition of The World is Flat, (Julie and Vicki collaborated with Friedman online to write the excerpt in the chapter called 'If it's not happening then it's because you're not doing it')
- featured extensively in ISTE's recent book publication Reinventing Project Based Learning: Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age by Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss
- Featured in the book by Laurence Peters 'Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your Students'
- Featured in the book by Curtis Bonk ‘The World is Open: How Web technology is Revolutionizing Education’
- The Horizon Project
- Finalist Edublog Best Wiki in Education 2007
- included in Don Tapscott's book Grown Up Digital, November 2008
ISTE's Learning and Leading magazine article: Davis, V. & Lindsay, J. (2007). Flat Classrooms™. Learning & Leading with Technology, 35(1), 28-30. Available for download from this wiki - Flat_Classroom™_LL_August07.pdf